Who were already experts in their field

If the business doesn’t bring satisfaction no monetary reward will make up for the effort. At the same time a sincere interest in the emergence of new tools for technological development is invaluable. Knowlge is the best investment in your future and without development you will quickly lose the skills you have. It’s important to think ahead. This approach actually works well in . Just like when I came to work in the company five years ago, I am still learning today. And in teacher internship lectures, I always emphasize that in the field you will continue to learn new technologies because the market will force you to do so. Another reason I spend time volunteering in ucation is that the audience allows me to grow myself.

When talking to teachers

They ask a lot of questions but I didn’t always have the Vietnam Telegram Number Data answers. But I have to go find them. This can make you a better expert and improve your professionalism. Participation in the program provides both parties with the opportunity to receive rapid feback and share experiences that can be appli to today’s practice. This is an example of true collaboration. For some time I was the head of an R&D laboratory and now I am working in my unit as a senior specialist who students come to me for.

Telegram Data

It turns out that for once I invest

The development of my future team by devoting my knowlge Taiwan Email List and time to them. This was another pleasant realization for me as a volunteer. It’s also important to remember why I’m here. I once got a valuable insight from a lecturer that you ne to analyze the nes of the client in our case the teacher and provide a solution that suits him rather than show your genius. I think everyone involv in volunteering in ucation knows how important it is to not fall into the trap of looking at how cool an engineer I am. Is it easy to combine work and volunteering? It’s really hard but mostly it’s about auditing your own strength obligations and plans.