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For example, if you are describing the evolution of an economic crisis through movements, it is not appropriate to animate with bounces and exaggerated overshooting they would end up giving a cartoon effect to your work.

.. definitely not in line with the seriousness of the topic you are dealing with. In order to create animated infographics you need to know and know how to use Adobe After Effects here you can find more information .

 After effects allows you to animate anything

from text to vector silhouettes and create complex scenes. However, usually those who create animated infographics also need to create the elements to be animated, and it is for this reason that it is essential to also know how to work with Adobe Illustrator and also Photoshop.

The Illustrator and After effects combination is one of the most popul Hong Kong Phone Number List ar in the world of animated infographics. Let’s see an example of workflow between these two software.

Illustrator – After Effects workflow Before creating an animated infographic it is a good idea to create all the graphic elements within Adobe Illustrator. If you deal with animated data, remember that Illustrator is equipped with tools that create graphs histograms, pie charts, etc.

. Always give a meaningful name to the layers you create and remember to draw the elements in individual layers. Drawing the graphic material appropriately divided, renamed and positioned in individual layers guarantees you, when importing into After Effects, compositions that are easy to animate and edit.

In Illustrator, however, it is not only important to prepare the graphic elements, it is necessary to create, through the drawing boards, the so-called style frames .

Style frames precisely identify how the animated sequence sh


ould appear at a given moment. Style frames help you understand how to move the animation and therefore the story forward.

 Save the style frames as flat images,

you can import them into After Effects and resize them for reference. Two style fr ames Albania Phone Number List created in Adobe Illustrator to create an animated infographic Once the graphic elements and style frames have been created, it’s time to import everything into After Effects.

After is able to import all vector graphics from Illustrator without problems. At this point start animating the elements keeping in mind the style frames and the type of animation you have decided for your infographic.

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