A large number of our defenders

The topic of the next meeting is English in Use in What to Learn and How to Build Your Own Course to Master a Sufficient Level. During the event participants will learn how to determine their English proficiency and what is ne for a successful career? How do you prepare yourself for learning without losing motivation? What tools and resources should I look for? The speaker of this event is the chief language trainer, who has more than 20 years of English teaching experience. Specializ adult improvement courses in General English and Business English courses prepare you for international level. You can register for the conference by clicking on the link before the date of the month.

Meeting duration hours

Will return en masse after victory. We must ensure that Mexico Telegram Number Data they have the opportunity to adapt to a peaceful life without any problems. Proper ucation or retraining according to modern requirements is one of the important tools for their success. It is for this purpose that we have open four Veterans Development Centers on the basis of strong universities. They will serve as a platform for civic ucation for veterans and their families. Thanks to Ukraine for its active cooperation in ucational projects. I am confident that your experts will create a professional environment to attract and further realize the Ukrainian warriors of the industry.

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We are working together to win

Stress Yulia Laptina, Minister of Veterans Affairs of Ukraine. This ucational event is part of a comprehensive program of work with veterans. We are happy to Canada Email List be able to help and are ready to work with a variety of professional organizations and most importantly with the veterans themselves. Combining national business and community efforts we will create an enabling environment for the professional development and reintegration of our defenders. comment the Director of Talent Development of Ukraine, speaking about the launch of the project.