French Catholic philosopher

It is refreshing to see how an artist like Edi Rama, who embraces socialism as an effective way to become part of the modern industrial world, modern by nature and French Europeanist in his view of the universality of knowledge, makes a statement about the introduction of the subject. of teaching religion in schools. A few questions immediately come to mind: Are we talking about a Machiavellian use of religion to get a few more votes? Are we dealing with a utilitarian use of Western .

The root of the problem of radicalism?

Therefore are we Canada Phone Number Data going to In his speech, Prime Minister Rama, in the activity organized by the Muslim Community of Albania, states “This project does not consist in violating secularity. But in strengthening the foundations of secular culture, Which is weak and powerless to face the forms of violent extremism”. With a simple analysis of what has been said above. We come to the conclusion that this is a campaign that corresponds a way to prevent radicalism.

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The reaction in the media

There fore this statement was immediate, with Algeria Phone Number List numerous programs and articles for and against. But here the problem was posed to affect another much-debated area: the secularity of the state and of public education. Read alsoHouse of Representatives approves budget to avoid government shutdown Success of Albanian boxing, Alban Bermeta and Alban Beqiri triumph! But the topic of secularity and secularism, much debated in Albania desired .