60 Sensory Words and Phrases

Let me give you a tip: this technique is an advanced one and requires a good foundation in English. However, this does not prevent you from understanding it first and getting some inspiration from the examples.

You may have realized that people 60 Sensory Words have a special preference or preference for one of the three senses: sight, sound, and feeling when communicating. You can also think about which type of person you are.

Emotional sales talk

If you know what your potential customers Chinese Overseas Africa Number Data like and you can say something that suits their preferences, it will be very helpful in building rapport and make you more trustworthy.

For example, in a conversation with a potential client, you might hear them use phrases like:

Once you’ve determined which primary

ke them, can help you understand 60 Sensory Words the voice preferences of your prospect.  sense or language (Visual, Auditory, Kinestheti) your prospect prefers, you can focus on word choice to create a better verbal connection, which is valuable in sales.

Below is a short list of sensory words and phrases that can help you more effectively grab and keep your buyer’s attention.

Examples of use in sales

Now let’s say you’re selling a tech Cyprus Phone Number List product and you know which language works best for your 60 Sensory Words customers, then you can use different messaging for each one.

If the prospect is a visual person:

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