Remote Options are Essential

The largest number of positive comments concerned the keynote speaker, Dux Raymond Sy (24).
Nearly half as many comments concerned the range of topics and the levels of SharePoint users, along with the State-focused nature of the presentations as positive factors (11).

Sharing the interest and enthusiasm of the SharePoint users and the opportunity to get to know one another and for networking were mentione by an

Equal number of poeple

Remaining positive comments addresse the fact that options were available for remote participation (in spite of the challenges), the variety of useful information and takeaways presente. The Sweden Phone Number location at Main State, the awards, and four of the presenters were name as particularly effective.
Our conclusions: Brining in an outside speaker was a big draw and will likely attract a large audience in the future. Focusing on the the use of SharePoint at State remains a nee. although we must address the challenges and complaints next time.

Sweden Phone Number

What did you like least or what neede improvement

The largest number of complains concerne the Algeria phone number list changes in the scheule. Both in terms of the specific sessions listd on the schedule lthat were not offere and the delays throughout the day that made following the schedule unreliable, especially for those taking part remotely.

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