Disconnected Day and even this internet

Symptoms: brain haywire. Cure: throw the smartphone out the window. Sconnessi Day is not the festival of potholes on the streets of Rome, but rather a day celebrated on February 22nd, to raise awareness among the world population about the correct use of technology. Established in 2018, the initiative seeks to build a barrier to the phenomenon of nomophobia, i.e. the fear of remaining disconnected and, therefore, being cut off from everything. A day without the Internet, that is the challenge.

A certainly arduous and ambitious goal

The phenomenon of nomophobia , i.e. the fear of remaining disconnected, should not be underestimated. The manifestations are varied and diverse, from the fear that the phone will run out of battery, to the dependence on chats and social media, the need to be reachable at any time to feel like an effective part of the world. The feeling that emerges is that to truly exist today you need the Internet. via GIPHY The situation risks taking a turn that is difficult to control.

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According to recent statistics

the average daily time spent on the network by users around the world is equal to 6 hours and 37 minutes, decreased by 20 minutes compared to last year, bringing the total back to the 2019 level. The most salient fact, however, is another. The transition from the computer to the smartphone as the main navigation platform has now been completed : 92.1% of Internet traffic comes from mobile phone connections.

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